Hey everyone!
This is the message you all have been waiting for. I have finally finished the first draft of THROUGH HIGH WATERS, the second installation to the Revelation series and sequel to AFTER THE BEES. It has been a rough two years, so I give you my deepest apologies with how long it has taken to finish this manuscript. I am very excited that now that the first step is down, things are moving along quickly. India Evans, the artist of my first novel, will continue working on the series. If you haven’t seen her work, the cover of ATB doesn’t even scratch the surface of how amazingly talented she is. If you look at the first cover, you’ll notice the wheat at the bottom. You’ll remember this is a nod to the scene where Leah is taken by the humans and first discovers that bees have returned. I’m excited to see what hidden gems she will use from THW as this story delves deeper into the demons’ world and gives us a better visual of what it is like within their fortress.
I’m writing to you, not only to announce that the end is near, but to search for beta readers. I will be taking a maximum of five readers for THW. Below is a form I ask each applicant to fill out and email back to: allisonpaigeofficial@gmail.com . I will contact you within 3-5 business days if you have been selected or not.
The catch? You MUST have read ATB and leave a written review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. This is nonnegotiable. THW will not make any sense if you haven’t read the first book and your reviews help me bring in more readers.
For those of you who are not familiar with beta reading, this is your opportunity to get a first look at the story and give your input.
As a beta reader it is your job:
· To make suggestions to improve the story
· Give feedback on the book’s characters
· Comment about the setting and how it plays a part in the story (or doesn’t)
· Find plot holes and comment on believability
· Advise on slow parts of the story
· Problems with continuity (was the character sitting down a minute again and now they are suddenly standing across the room)
· Find and improve elements such as grammar and spelling
If this is something you are interested in and think you’re up for the task, please copy and paste the form below and e-mail to the address above. An e-signature is perfectly fine if you do not have access to a printer.
Thank you all for staying with me during this long process. Your support has encouraged me to get off my ass and keep writing. I truly thank and appreciate each one of you that has read AFTER THE BEES. It means a lot that you would take the time to read something I’ve worked so hard on. I can’t wait to share THROUGH HIGH WATERS with you as Leah and Raum’s story continues.
Allison Paige
Have you beta read in the past? If so, please list the books you have beta read:
Why should I consider you?
By submitting you application you are confirming that you have read AFTER THE BEES, the first book of the Revelation Series, and have left a written review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. You understand that the manuscript must be turned in with thorough notes within 30 days from the time it is sent to your mailbox.
Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________________